Why do you need developer access to my Amazon account?

Amazon will not share your Amazon data unless you authorize it to us. Any Amazon seller can authorize third-party developers (such as us) to access the data in their seller's account through Amazon's API (their automatic access system). This automatic access is secure and can provide you with simple and efficient operations and more detailed information.

In order for us to provide you with this information, you need to grant us developer access during the registration process.

Why do I need to grant developer permissions to Tecprimo ERP on my Amazon seller account?

The developer access you have granted us allows you to access most of the information we provide to you through Tecprimo ERP. You can process and deliver orders in Tecprimo ERP. Therefore, we require limited user rights so that we can obtain the data of your store through Amazon's API. In addition, ensure the timeliness of logistics data. For technical support, ensure that we can transfer the data that meets the specifications to Amazon through API.

How secure is my data?

We access your seller account through a secure Amazon API connection. Your information is stored in the database on the security server. These servers have implemented security measures to comply with Amazon's security agreement. Our security personnel will regularly check these security measures to ensure that all our security measures protect your information.

Your information is only used to show you in Tecprimo ERP and will not be viewed or shared with anyone else.

Can I still use Tecprimo ERP if I sell overseas?

Yes, we support most Amazon marketplaces and you can log into your account from anywhere in the world.

What if I have multiple seller accounts?

no problem. Different plans enable you to connect multiple Seller Central accounts. If you have more marketplace seller accounts, you can easily add as many as you want, and there is no additional charge for adding additional accounts.

How much does Tecprimo ERP cost?

Our starter plan is $25/month. Our Diamond Top Edition is $175. We have some tools with additional tiered plans, including more features and additional usage.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, you can cancel at any time. Just go to the Settings page, click the Payments tab, and click the Cancel Subscription button.

How to use Tecprimo ERP?

We provide graphic and easy-to-understand help documents, and online guidance from professionals to answer questions.
Works best with Google Chrome, Fire Fox or Apple Safari browsers.

You can also click View our simulated account here